Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve at our house usually includes junk food, games, and movies.  This year was no exception.  Danielle and I drove 25 miles roundtrip to pick up my favorite pizza.  Yes, it was worth it.  When we brought it in, Matt was shocked because he knew we didn't have this pizza place anywhere close to us.  We also had the traditional pizza rolls, hot wings, taquitos, and sparkling cider.  We had fun playing Apples to Apples, Imagine If, and Stratego.  I'm known loving to my family for picking out really lame movies.  The kids ( the older ones ) think I pick really dumb ones, or for a while it seemed someone died in every movie I rented.  This year Matt wouldn't watch it, so it was probably lame.  I, of course, thought it was a cute family movie.  I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's, and a most blessed 2011!

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