Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve at our house usually includes junk food, games, and movies.  This year was no exception.  Danielle and I drove 25 miles roundtrip to pick up my favorite pizza.  Yes, it was worth it.  When we brought it in, Matt was shocked because he knew we didn't have this pizza place anywhere close to us.  We also had the traditional pizza rolls, hot wings, taquitos, and sparkling cider.  We had fun playing Apples to Apples, Imagine If, and Stratego.  I'm known loving to my family for picking out really lame movies.  The kids ( the older ones ) think I pick really dumb ones, or for a while it seemed someone died in every movie I rented.  This year Matt wouldn't watch it, so it was probably lame.  I, of course, thought it was a cute family movie.  I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's, and a most blessed 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


You might wonder what a 16 year old and a 2 year old have in common.  You might be surprised to find out how much Matt and Josiah have in common.  Lamborginis, basketball, and Matt's Itouch to name a few.  Matt has been without his Itouch for a couple of months.  I think it was harder on Josiah than Matt when it got crushed by 8500 pounds of Ford.  They both are happy to have a new one!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

We always go to Brian's parents on Christmas Day, after we spend the morning at our house opening presents.  Brian gets us coffee every year on Christmas morning.  It's a real treat that we look forward to.

We had a wonderful meal and then opened presents.  The kids played Apples to Apples with Grandpa and then we watched a movie with him that had everyone laughing.  Then we went home and the kids played ping-pong and Imagine if.  We are thankful that we are so close to all of our family that we get to celebrate holidays with them.  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  God Bless!

Merry Christmas!

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!  Christmas morning was a special time for us.  We read the Christmas story from Luke chapter two, and then we read our advent calendar.  This particular advent calendar tells the Christmas story spread over 24 days.  We started this tradition with this advent calendar on Sarah's first Christmas.  Yes, it has survived 20 years!  I collect advent calendars but this is by far everyone's favorite,(except maybe for Matthew, who prefers the one filled with candy)!  I pray all of you have a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.  Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is always spent at my parents house.  This year everyone was there except Big Josh, Ted Dawne, Ella, and Lily.  Keeri made it home from South Korea.  My family hadn't seen her for about a year and a half.  Josh had to work.  It was our first Christmas without him.  We missed him, but he really seems to like his job so we are happy for him.  The kids had a great time. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Youth Night

It was the annual children's program, and Timothy was the Chief Shepherd and Joshua was one of the wise men.  Timothy worked hard to memorize his line and he did great!  Joshua had to lay down his gift before Josheph, Mary, and the baby Jesus.  He also did well, especially since he doesn't enjoy performing in front of an audience.  Josiah opted out of the sheep role for this year.  There's always next year.