Thursday, October 14, 2021

Adding a Dutton

We are so excited to welcome Sherrilyn into our family.  Matthew are Sherrilyn got engaged in August.  We are looking forward to a November wedding.  Looking forward to having my first daughter-in-law, even though Faith and Mikayla have treated her like a sister for the past two years.😊



It was such a blessing to have everyone together this summer. As a mother of ten, I am so grateful for the times we are all able to be together.  

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Welcome, Arden

 Welcome to the family!  We love you so much!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

A Reminder

 The most beautiful rainbows only come after a storm.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Tiny loves drinking out of cups.  She is so adorable.

Building Puzzles

 The girls have been putting together a couple of puzzles over the last month. Mikayla especially has been having fun.

Here is the first one they did!

New Year

I have been enjoying going for several walks a week.  I can easily get in 2 miles on the kids lunch break.  I like to walk to this bridge and back.  It usually takes me 35 minutes and when I am feeling really good I can fit in 5 or 6 miles.

I love setting new goals every January, and I am hoping to be able to continue walking often in 2021.