Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Favorite Toy

Mikayla loves her exersaucer!!!  She has fun with all the toys on it and being able to stand up.

One Big Worm!

I bought the largest gummy worm I could find. It was yummy!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Checking One Off The List!

This is us at the top of Multnomah Falls.  Apparently the kids had never been to the top before.  Now they have.  They may not all remember it, but I have the photographic proof.  This was a trip inspired by Matthew, and it really was a fun way to end his summer with us before he leaves!

Big Trip!

Enjoyed sunny southern California to visit Hannah and Thommy!  It was a great time!  Faith and Mikayla did amazing on their first flight!!!  Faith had so much fun with Thommy, she misses him a lot.


We had a great time enjoying the beautiful Oregon Coast...the beach is probably their favorite vacation spot!