Monday, December 30, 2013

December Activities!

Josiah, Faith, Joshua, and Timothy were in the annual Youth Christmas Program.  Josiah and Faith were adorable.  Joshua and Timothy were quite handsome.  We had a very fun December as we counted down to Christmas.  Some of the highlights were:

Reading our advent calendar- the same original one we started when Hannah and Sarah were little
Cutting down our Christmas tree-we cut two this year
Our Christmas Party with church friends
Decorating the house with lights-and our snowmen in the front yard
Setting up our nativity scene
Listening to Christmas music
Celebrating with family

It was a relaxing and joyous time.  As we end the year celebrating the birth of our Savior,  we also look forward to great things God has planned for 2014!

Phonics Time!

Josiah is having fun with his new phonics game I downloaded.  He likes it so much he doesn't even know it's educational!!!