Friday, March 29, 2013

A Spring Day!

We had some beautiful weather today!  Faith enjoyed some outside time.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Singing @ PDX

Timothy and I had a lot of fun singing United Breaks Guitars in the airport when we dropped Matt off.

Breakfast Time!!!

The kids and I had a lot of fun going to breakfast with Grandma and the cousins.  Josiah loved his chocolate chip pancakes.  All the boys ordered the same pancakes.  That makes ordering pretty easy.  Faith had fun coloring on her menu and eating her fruit and hashbrowns.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pink and Glittery

Faith loves her pink boots!!!  She is quite the up and coming fashion guru.


The boys had a lot of fun playing the wii while Matt was home.  They even bought a new game to play while he was here.  They bought Mario Kart and had fun with it before Matt left.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Just Hanging Out!

For dinner we had fun barbequing burgers.  Matt was at the grill and they turned out great.  He hasn't bbq'ed since last summer.  Then Joshua  challenged Brian to a game of chess. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coloring Time!

Faith has been having so much fun with her new glitter crayons.

Hanging Out!

The  boys have been having so much fun just hanging out with Matt.  They took him to the mouse place and had a lot of fun playing the games.

Then we made his favorite soup for dinner.
And topped it off with dessert.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Look who came home for Spring Break.  It was a great surprise to have Matt show up at the doorstep!  The kids were so excited!!!

Mountain Trip!

Brian and I were given a gift to stay at Mount Hood .  We started out walking around Government Camp.  It is a really cute little town.

Then we went to dinner at the Ice Ax Grill.  It was really good!

It snowed overnight and there was fresh snow everywhere.
 We toured the local museum and then got a coffee.
Then we went for a drive on the other side of the mountain.  The sky was beautiful.

We had lunch at a taco shop.  It was really good.  Then we did some more touring and headed was a great trip!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Oops, Again!

Faith loves to take advantage of an opportunity.  This time it was Hannah's unattended makeup case.  Will they ever learn?  Faith certainly hopes not.  She'll never have to buy her own mascara at this rate.

My Buddy

Me and my little Space Ranger!


Noah and Timothy were given the job that used to be Matthew's.  When mom buys a new piece of furniture Matt would put it together for her.  With Matt gone, the job has now fallen to Noah and Timothy.  Brian told them to read the instructions and then get started.  They did and they proceeded to build the whole thing. 
They did such a great job!!! I'm so proud of them.
We have used it so much already.
It's great for building Legos.
Doing makeup.
And, of course, more Legos.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I think Faith needs to work on her presentation.  I'm sure she will keep practising with Sarah's mascara as long as she keeps leaving her makeup out where Faith can reach it.

Fun Time

Josiah loves reading the Lego Book.  He can look at it for hours and not get bored.  Noah and Joshua had fun playing a game of chess on Pizza Night. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Getting ready for work

Faith loves to get her makeup out when Sarah gets ready for work.  Too bad she figured out how to open the mascara tube.

Popcorn with Grandma

Josiah had a lot of fun making popcorn with Grandma at the last Family Dinner.  He had fun eating it, too.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Telephone Booth

I thought this telephone booth was really cool.  This is definately something my kids have never used.

Faith and the Dragon

Faith was so cute sleeping with her little dragon.  She calls it "Doggie."