Sunday, December 23, 2012


Matt's first home cooked meal was Chicken and Biscuits.  We are so glad to have him back for a while.

Fun at the Mountain

The kids had a fun snow day with Dad at the mountain!

My Helper

Josiah loves helping me arrange the characters from the nativity story. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Youth Night

The kids took part in the annual Youth Night at church.  They acted out the nativity story in full costume.  I'm so thankful God sent His son because we needed a Savior!!!  Merry Christmas everyone!

Our Snow Event

We had a light snowfall at our house.  It was brief, but quite beautiful.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Play Time!

Josiah can spend hours playing with his guys!

The Perfect Tree

Finding the perfect Christmas tree is always filled with many opinions on what is the perfect Christmas tree.  I think we once again found the perfect tree for us.
The Perfect Tree:
and Josiah!