Friday, October 26, 2012


Joshua has been doing a great job in spelling.  This was his neatest job yet!

Breakfast with the Squirrels!

Faith loves to watch the squirrels while she has her breakfast.  Sometimes the peacocks show up, too.


Thommy surprised Hannah on their one year anniversary.  He flew up from southern California and Brian picked him up from the airport.  Needless to say, Hannah was very surprised.
Later that night he took her out to dinner and popped the question.  She said yes, and we are all so excited!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I am absolutely thrilled with my new kitchen!!!  It isn't completely done yet, but it still looks amazing!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hannah's New Car

Hannah finally bought her first car.  It seems like a great little car.  Congratulations, Hannah!

Joshua's Favorite

After over 100 days of no rain, we finally had a downpour.  We celebrated with a warm, filling, Chicken Chorizo Soup.  This is one of Joshua's favorite dinners.  It was a great fall night with a yummy dinner.

At It Again

Literally and figuratively, people love climbing the walls around here. We are truly one big, busy family and I wouldn't change a thing.  God has been so good to us!