Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Little Strawberry Girl!

Faith is doing well. She is one of the few who dodged the virus that went around our house last week. Am I ever glad to put last week behind me!

Josiah and the Peacocks

We have wild peacocks that live in our neighborhood. After I had Faith, the kids and I went for a walk to show Josiah the peacocks. Now it has become a weekly habit of going to "Peacock Lane." The boys love going on these walks and we all look forward to it. Recently, they were across the street from our house. We rarely see them come to our street, so this was a treat for Josiah, especially.

The Lightning

How many kids does it take to fill up Grandpa's Lightning? Eight, until Hannah comes home.

Congratulations, Sarah!

After three interviews, Sarah is now employed as a receptionist at a local dentist office. This is such a great answer to prayer. We are so excited for all the Lord has in store for Sarah in the future.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Grandparent's Day !

Happy Grandparents Day! We hope you have a terrific day. We Love You!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Labor Day BBQ

We went to grandma and grandpa's house for a BBQ. Josiah had a great time because we were at the Thomas the Train grandma's. Yes, that is how he tells his grandmas apart. My mom is the Mater grandma. All the kids had fun and the food was great.

September Family Dinner

This was Faith's second family dinner. Grandma made tacos. They were great. They always taste better when someone else makes them. We missed Keeri, Josh, and Hannah, but the rest of us had a good time. Even Casey.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Day at the Zoo

We went to the zoo with grandma and grandpa. We had so much fun. The boys were pretty impressed with the dinosaur exhibit. They were big and very realistic.

We saw lots of animals and then rode the train. We gorged on carmel corn, cotton candy, snow cones and elephant ears. It was a great day!