Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Go Gators!

Matt had a good game last week. He has enjoyed playing this season. He has a great coach who he enjoys working with. He is one of the taller players, so even though he has less experience than some of the other guys, he gets a lot of playing time. So far their record is 6-1! Their one loss was their first game of the season, and they played that team for a second time and they won in a nailbiter of a game!

Joshua Goes Bowling

Joshua went bowling with a group of homeschool families from our church. He had never been bowling before, but he ended up having a lot of fun. He is looking forward to next time already.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Way to go Danielle!

Danielle played a great game on Friday night. Their team won 3 out of 4 matches. She plays a special position on the varsity team that lets her play in the back row only. She normally plays JV. Great job, Danielle!

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

Josiah was so excited to get Krispy Kreme doughnuts. He absolutely loves doughnuts. In fact, everyone in my family loves Krispy Kreme. I just keep a lot of washcloths handy!


Well, here are some of the cousins. Apparently it is impossible to get all of the cousins together at the same time. We tried several times, but to no avail. Anyway, we had fun and lots of good food every time we got together at Mom and Dad's. Hannah was home for five weeks and Keeri just got back from South Korea. Maybe next summer we can all get together.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to the Family

Hey, it's my turn, so I guess I could blog about mine and Sarah's new pets. Last Saturday, Sarah and I went to Petsmart to look at guinea pigs and found Hobart (that ones mine). We asked for them to get him out and as the worker was getting him out she said that one Sarah had looked at earlier was free, so we ended up getting two. Mine is the one on the top, Hobart. Sarah's is on the bottom, Vector. So now we have two guinea pigs.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Fun Times

The boys have been having so much fun playing with legos, coloring, playing games, playing with cars, and reading new books. We just ordered a bunch-and I mean bunch-of new books, thanks to Uncle Tim. Noah has been reading Hardy Boy books like crazy since Christmas Eve. Josiah got a new ride-on car that I have seen every one of my children riding. It's quite a sight. I expected it from everyone except Hannah and Matthew, I guess they didn't want to be left out. Matthew has been having fun vacuuming up baby powder over and over again. It's quite the story. Maybe he'll tell it someday. You can see how much he enjoys writing on the blog.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

One Down, Three to Go

So, it is I Matthew, the one who lost the phone and now must write a blog post because mother found it. Alas, I am cast down, so I have to write this. So I know you are in breathless anticipation(unless your not) so in that case I will get on with it and write the post so you can enjoy it. So the title is the number of posts I have to do the first one was because I lost a bet with mom. I bet mom couldn't find something I lost, needless to say she found it and I have to write another one of these but I am hoping to put it off until she forgets about it then I will still have to do two more of these. Those are because of a bet also, I don't remember the details of that one so I can't tell you about it. I believe that this will appease mother, so I am signing off right ... now

Writer: Matthew B Dutton
Cast: Matthew B Dutton
Director: Matthew B Dutton